You can't just copy files willy-nilly from one machine to another. I have discovered that there is also a file called TABCT元2.DEP on the server I am moving from. I have located this file on another server and I want to copy and paste it across. DEP files and VB6DEP.ini file up to date, since they often are not updated by Microsoft anymore. It is complaining that it is missing TABCT元2.OCX. Hey guys, i have downloaded a trainer for GTA SA and it gives me the following error: Component TabCtl32.ocx or one of its dependencies not correctly. You are also responsible as a developer to keep your dev machine's. DEP files it is up to you to read them and incorporate the information they contain in your build process. The vast majority of users encountering this issue have managed to fix it by registering the comctl32.ocx file from an elevated Command Prompt. Most of the time, the issue occurs because the comctl32.ocx file is not registered on your computer. If you are using an "impaired" 3rd party packaging technology that is ignorant of. Method 1: Register the comctl32.ocx file from an elevated Command Prompt. Most of the time this utility is run directly on the ArcSDE server on which it was installed. Note: Prior to an upgrade, the CHECKSCHEMA utility is often run against the database repository to check for detached records. Programmers are also supposed to create them if they expect other developers to use their libraries. Error: TABCT元2.OCX' OR one of its dependencies NOT correctly registered: a file is missing OR invalid. This is information a packager should use along with other "rules databases" such as VB6DEP.ini. See articles such as INFO: How Setup Wizard and PDW Use Dependency Files.
They contain the preferred ("designed") location to install the library, sub-dependencies of the library including optional localization "satellite" resource DLLs, version information, etc. These files have no run-time significance, containing only development metadata. Messages Toggle Dropdown Topics Expanded Polls Hashtags AnalogDialogue - Analog Devices Magazine CD4000 - CD4xxx and similar CMOS devices CMOS CommandPrompt - LTspice in Batch mode createmodel - There is no reason for this Hashtag, and it was abused by group members, so it will be removed. DEP (depdendency) files are instructions about a library meant to be used by packaging tools.